Monday, May 31, 2010

After spending the last few hours playing with i find myself liking this a lot. The website is easy to use and easy to find whatever it is you are interested in. All of that said, i do not think i will be using this site within the classroom in the future. It is very easy to get distracted and loose you place trying to chase tags. I also think it might be a little bit distracting for a student in a classroom without a direct set of links to follow. If that would be the case then it would be a waste of time just entering the site. Once again i think this is a great site and i just might start using this instead of my bookmarks page. On my computer i have internet explorer, firefox, and safari all installed. I normally use firefox but have gotten on the computer many times with one of my parents using another browser and have had trouble finding certain sites. For this reason i am going to keep delicious for a few weeks. But i cannot say i will use it in the future or in my present classroom.

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